
6 Basic Things That Could Be Letting Your Business Down

BizAge Interview Team

When you run a business, you often spend so much time looking at the big picture, that the little things get neglected, but you know what? It is often the little things that make the most difference to your success (or lack thereof). 

That being the case, there are a few common little things that we should look at now, that often get neglected. And when they do, can end up letting your whole business down.

1. Web Design: Welcome to the ’90s

If your website looks like it was designed when dial-up was a thing, we have a problem, but one that, lucky for you, affordable web design can solve. In today's swipe-right, swipe-left world, users take mere seconds to judge your website. If it's not clean, intuitive, and aesthetically pleasing, visitors will bounce faster than a rubber ball on concrete. A bad website doesn't whisper "trustworthy" or "cutting-edge"; it screams "Help, I’m stuck in 1998!"

2. Customer Service: The Forgotten Frontline

Ever been on hold so long you could've watched an entire season of Friends? Yeah, that’s a business killer right there. Your customers are what your business is about, so if you annoy them, you know you are going to have a big problem pretty soon. So, instead of making them hold, invest in options like web chat, AI assistants and maybe even more people, so you don’t keep them hanging.

3. Social Media: Ghost Town or Spam City

There’s a sweet spot between neglecting your social media accounts and bombarding followers with relentless posts. If your last tweet was about "exciting new updates in 2012", you're living in a digital ghost town. Conversely, if you're posting like a teenager after too much caffeine, you might be overwhelming your audience. Engage meaningfully and regularly—keep the town buzzing, not burning.

4. Branding: What Even Is It?

So, you’ve got a logo that you think is pretty cool, but what else are you doing to turn your business into a brand? If the answer is nothing much, then you have some work to do. Start with a catchy tagline, then think about the way you use colour, language and stylistics to show your audience who you are. Keep it professional but keep it interesting too, Find your vibe and rock it wherever you are.

5. Ignoring Feedback: La-La-La Can’t Hear You!

Feedback is the breakfast of champions—or should we say, the continuous brunch? Ignoring it is like refusing to pass Go and collect £200. Negative feedback is not a downer; it's an opportunity to improve. Embrace it, learn from it, and whatever you do, don’t bury your head in the sand.

6. Office Morale: Zombie Apocalypse

Ever walked into an office that feels like the set of a zombie movie? Low morale can be a silent business killer. Happy employees are productive employees. Little things like acknowledging good work, providing decent coffee, and occasional team outings can turn your office from "The Walking Dead" to "The Walking Enthusiastic."

If you’re currently neglecting one of these so-called little things in your business life, then it could end up being a big problem, so whatever you do, sort it out sooner, rather than later.

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Written by
BizAge Interview Team
July 15, 2024
Written by
July 15, 2024