
Genius Ways To Claw Back Valuable Time When Running A Business

BizAge Interview Team

Time is one of the most valuable resources you have when running a business. Yet it can so easily seem to slip through our fingers. The good news is you can discover some of the most effective ways to claw back some time in the post below. 

Outsource it to an expert

It is the modern condition that these days everyone believes they can do every job that is presented to them from messing about all day on Canva for graphic design to using chat GPT to grind out copy and content. However, the truth is that no matter how good the tools you are using are, the most effective and efficient way to get a task done is to have an expert do it. 

What this means is that outsourcing the tasks in which you do not specialize to an expert is crucial if you want to save time, as well as a whole lot of stress. Then you can get back to focusing on what you do best, running your business. 

Use technology to your advantage

You can also claw back a significant amount of time by using technology to your advantage. Like TV’s famous Moria Rose are you positively bedevilled with meetings? Then use tech like Bliro to summarize meetings without even having to attend. Piqued your interest? Learn how Bliro transcribes and summarises your meetings without bots or recordings. Then you can see just how much time and effort out of a normal day it can save you! 

Block out your time 

Time blocking is another effective way to claw back some precious space in your day. Time blocking includes setting aside ‘blocks’ of time to do tasks of the same nature. For example, instead of processing every invoice as they come in, setting aside a time block every week to do them all at once can be much more efficient. This is because your mind does not have to swap gears and go from one task to another, and this can help you complete said tasks faster.

Use the Pomodoro technique

Another great time management technique that can help you make the most of this valuable resource every day is the Pomodoro technique. Named for the tomato timer first used as an aid to this technique, it involves working intensely for a set amount of minutes and then having a short break to refresh your focus. In this way, you can work effectively and get more done in less time because your focus wanders less. 

Turn off your notifications

So much time is wasted every day by people being interrupted mid-flow by the ping of a team message or email. Then even more time is wasted as they check it and flag it to action later. The solution is to turn off your notifications and only check your messages and emails at certain predetermined times of the day. 

Concerned that other people in your team will get annoyed with you because of this? Just make it very clear that this time is blocked off for productivity, and that you will send replies within a dedicated window. 

Written by
BizAge Interview Team
October 8, 2024
Written by
October 8, 2024