
The cognitive workplace: AI's role in boosting productivity and creativity

Jeff Dewing, CEO of Cloud, explores AI’s impact and the need for ongoing upskilling
Jeff Dewing
Jeff Dewing

In a world rapidly shaped by technological advancements, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a focal point of discussions surrounding the future of work. While there are apprehensions about job displacement, we can’t ignore that AI is transforming the nature of tasks and fostering a monumental shift from the mechanical to the cognitive domain. 

AI is not merely a job automator but a catalyst for a broader evolution, propelling us beyond the confines of routine and mundane tasks into the realm of higher-order thinking, creativity, and complex problem-solving. With 85 percent of jobs predicted to emerge by 2030 not yet in existence, the scope of possibilities enabled by AI is extensive and transformative.

It’s clear that AI has the potential to increase productivity and provide the tools necessary for businesses to thrive in this new era.

AI enhances productivity

A study by McKinsey revealed that generative AI could enable labour productivity growth of 0.1 to 0.6 percent annually through 2040, depending on the rate of technology adoption and redeployment of worker time into other activities. Additionally, the study reported that current generative AI and other technologies have the potential to automate work activities that absorb 60 to 70 percent of employees’ time today, allowing employees to spend their time engaging in more meaningful work. 

At Cloud, we’ve optimised parts of the business that were time intensive and heavily manual. Previously, ensuring Cloud’s new clients were compliant involved manually sifting through 12,000 documents which took over three months, requiring additional weekend hours for staff. Now, a new $7/month tool has been trained to recognise criteria and within two hours, it identified compliant and non-compliant items.

Leaders must try and test AI

Leaders should engage with AI tools firsthand to understand their benefits and limitations in addressing business challenges. By doing so, you can make informed and strategic decisions on AI implementation. Leaders who have played around with AI can effectively communicate its benefits, possibilities, and limitations to their teams. This proactive approach aids in mitigating resistance to change, fostering acceptance, and enthusiasm among employees for AI integration. Additionally, it sets an example for the workforce, showcasing the commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.

See AI as your colleague 

AI is not a replacement for human resources. To unlock the full advantages of AI and seamlessly incorporate it into operations, it's essential to combine AI capabilities with human skills. While AI tools enhance efficiency, offer insights, and automate routine tasks, the distinctive value of human input lies in critical thinking, creativity, and the capacity to interpret and apply AI-generated information meaningfully. The collaboration of human expertise and AI is key to achieving the best outcomes.

Upskilling in the era of AI

The importance to future-proof businesses and skill sets looms large. Upholding a commitment to upskilling initiatives and fostering a culture of constant learning is essential in adapting to the evolving demands of the future. Leaders must upskill employees and equip them with the necessary knowledge, confidence and tools to work effectively alongside AI. 

While some jobs that involve constant repetitive tasks or ones that require little to no human input may be at risk for automation, most will evolve to become more complex and nuanced. This will require teams to have a deeper understanding of their roles, making upskilling an important piece in the journey of AI implementation. This can include training programs, workshops, or resources aimed at empowering the workforce to leverage AI's capabilities for improved productivity and innovation.

At Cloud, we are introducing an AI consultant to help our department heads find the best tools to meet their specific challenges. It’s important to remember that a blanket approach may not work as it’s better to consider what AI tools can address your specific business needs. 

AI is ultimately a tool for humans to use, empowering us to transcend limitations, unleash productivity and creativity. The combination of human ingenuity with the capabilities of AI will become the cornerstone for progress, innovation, and growth. It's vital to maintain a human-centric workplace where employees are not overshadowed by technology but empowered to thrive in collaboration with it.

With solid leadership, proactive upskilling initiatives, and a collaborative approach to AI integration, businesses can establish strong foundations, fostering sustainable success amidst the ever changing business landscape. 

Written by
Jeff Dewing
CEO of Cloudfm
January 2, 2024
Written by
January 2, 2024